Anna Denies Foreign Hand in Campaign

Bangalore: This isn’t the first time Congress politicians have claimed a “foreign hand” to exist behind domestic opposition. Just when Team Anna looked destined to have a comeback on the second term of the Congress party-led governing coalition, when even graft allegations leveled against the Prime Minister failed to arouse a response with opposition parties, Congress politicians are still going to immense heights to disgrace the movement by linking it to the infamous foreign hand.

Recently, two senior Congress party politicians spoke of foreign forces backing the anticorruption movement led by Anna Hazare. V  Narayanasamy, a junior minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, suspected that Hazare “is surrounded by anti-national elements and people who have been supported by foreign forces,” reported WSJ India.

Further, Vayalar Ravi, India’s overseas affairs minister said he suspected Hazare and his team “are not that innocent,” adding that several of them are recipients of the Magsaysay Award, “which has been funded by American foundations.”

Anna Hazare said that he would like the Prime Minister's Office to furnish evidence that there is a "foreign hand" involved in his movement against graft. He said "It is not alright for the Prime Minister's office to make these sort of remarks," as reported NDTV.